Thursday, October 25, 2007

Copper has a Bug Eye

October 13, 2007 - October 18, 2007
Copper's left eye has bulged out. At first the doctors did not understand why. They thought that perhaps he hurt it, and the area behind the eye filled up with fluid. However, after a week, when it didn't go down, they checked it again, and they now believe that the lymphoma has started to take up the space behind the eye, making it bulge. They also informed me that he cannot see out of the eye. Not seeing out of the eye does not seem to be bothering him. However sometimes he does seem to walk closer to me than before. He also seems to have a problem grabbing his treat. I think his depth perception is a little off.

Pictures taken 10/15/07

Picture taken 10/20



Blogger Michelle Fiordaliso said...


My boyfriend's bluetick hound was recently diagnosed with lymphoma (Nov.11). She has been on prendisone and sometime last week her left eye bulged in the exact way that Cooper's did.

Do you know if this is painful for them? Is there anything to do to help? He has chosen not to give her chemo and just make her comfortable until the cancer makes her too weak or disoriented.

Would love your advice?


Mon Dec 20, 12:59:00 PM PST  

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