Signs that Copper had lymphoma

While Copper's lymphoma came on quite sudden, there were some signs that he had a problem. The lymph nodes throughout his body were enlarged. While the graphic I made of the basset is not to scale, it should help anyone who wants to feel their bassets lymph nodes. If you feel the areas where I have put the pale blue dots, and feel any bumps, you probably should have your vet take a look at the basset hound. With Copper, all of the nodes throughout his whole body were enlarged, had I known what to look for, I might have been concerned sooner. But then again, the vet said that it can come on very quickly, so I might not have felt anything.
The reason I took Copper to the vet in the first place was because he was panting, breathing heavily and was lethargic. I knew something was wrong, but what it was I could not tell.
We love you and are praying and drooling for you, Copper!
Agnes & Lucille
Pawshington, DC (DogsnotCats)
Thanks Agnes & Lucille!
Woof -- Copper
P.S. Max said to say Hi to his sister Agnes!
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