Update on Copper

Copper with his shaved ears
I haven't been around to work on Copper's blog in the month of May because I took a 3 week vacation. However, all of the costs have now been updated.
Copper is doing very well. The vets are very pleased with his progress and are very optimistic about his future!
He has maintained his weight (he is now at 54.50 lbs), and his fur looks really good (except for the shaved spots). He is also back to his old trouble making self! Always looking for trouble.
The best news of all is that he has finished with the induction phase of his treatment, and will now be getting treatments every other week. This is wonderful! I'm sure he will be very happy about this as well!
Copper is suppose to go into the vet for his lepto vaccination, however the vets do not want him to have this vaccination. They do not feel like he needs it at his age, and they do not want anything that might interact with his immune system put into him right now.
Another thing that the vets have started doing is to put his IV in the veins in his ears rather than his legs. His legs have been abused enough, and it is really easy to find the veins in the ears. However, he now has two shaved patches on his ears. He looks pretty goofy!
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