Copper seizures have gotten worse

Over the last day, Copper has begun to have more frequent seizures. In the past month, he would have a couple every 12 or 24 hours and then they would stop. This time they have been happening around every 8 hours. I took him to see his regular doctor (Dr. Parker), and she explained that because his cancer is behind his eye, it is probably putting pressure on his brain, causing the seizures. She also explained to me that while we could increase his seizure meds, it would take about 3-5 days for them to get to the right level, and even then they may not work for long because of what is happening with his cancer. We talked about adding Valium to the mix, and while it would probably work for the short term, her concern was for his quality of life. He wouldn't have much quality of life if he was knocked out all the time. She told me that it was time to start preparing for putting him to sleep, and in her estimation, the time would be within the next two weeks. While it is very difficult to hear that, I agree with her, and that is one reason she is a great vet. She always states what is best for the animal, rather than what we pet owners might wish to hear.
It makes me sad to know that Copper will soon be making his journey to the bridge, but I am comforted with the knowledge that I did have an extra year with him, and that he had the opportunity to touch the lives of many people.
Labels: Canine Lymphoma
Just want to let you know that you and Copper are in our thoughts. Big hugs and houndie licks to you both.
Mary & Scully
I'm so sorry that the last month has been so difficult. I had no idea. You, Copper and the rest of your family are in my prayers.
Trina (and Buster)
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