Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Copper's Chemo Visit -- 4/03/2006

Copper had another good week! He is still in remission and so far, the Chemo has not had a negative affect on him. The oncology did say that when he went back for his treatment, he seemed a little scared, but then when she came in, he became very social and happy to see her.

His weight was 55 lbs. He gained. .60 of a lb. This is good, but he has been wanting a lot of treats, and I have been spoiling him a bit!

Here is a breakdown of the costs this week:

Recheck: $59.00

QBC or CBC In Hospital: $40.80

Chemotherapy injectable handling fee: $16.30

Adriamycin (Chemo drug): $37.80

Chemotherapy Infusion: $80.00

Regulatory Agency Compliance Fee: $4.23

Total: $238.13

Grand Total: $1779.97

Next week Copper will go in for some blood work because when he goes in for his half-body radiation, he must have anesthesia, so I need to make sure he can handle that OK. He will then go in for his first half-body treatment on April 17, 2006.


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