Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thank you for visiting Copper's Journey.
Mesothelioma Counter
Previous Posts
- Copper aka "Joe Friday" 1996-2007
- Copper will be making his final journey tomorrow
- Copper seizures have gotten worse
- Copper's Bug Eye
- Copper's Vet Visit -- October 25, 2007
- Come On... I Know You Have A Treat!
- Copper cannot continue CCNU
- Copper has a Bug Eye
- It has been a crazy month
- Copper and I have regrouped for this next battle
Godspeed Copper. Though we've never met, I've followed your journey since your diagnosis -- and the legacy of your blog will help so many other hounds and humans as they face a similar battle. You will be remembered and loved by so many -- we are the lucky ones for having shared in your journey, if only through cyberspace.
Hugs to your humans, who are missing you terribly but gave you the greatest gift and honor of all by loving you, helping you, and wishing you Godspeed when the time was right.
Susan, Toby & Daisy
Good-bye Cops...you were always such a character, and a pretty friendly guy. I'll miss you.
Your Cousin
Kolby Jack Cheese.
RIP dear sweet Copper, know you were so loved here and we wish you a pain free time at the Bridge..Godspeed bananahound..
Tracey and Daisy
What a touching tribute to sweet Copper. I know he meant the world to you and am sure that you will miss him terribly.
He'll always be just a thought away...think of him often.
Sandra & the gang
Copper, I just loved seeing all of your pics. It's obvious what a silly boy you were, I especially loved the one of you peeking through the cat door.
I am sorry that your time on earth has come to an end. I'll miss hearing stories about your antics. Please keep watch over your momma, she'll miss you terribly.
Rest in Peace dear boy. The Rainbow Bridge is a much brighter place tonight.
Rosie, Tucker, Miles & foster Janie
I saw a very bright star tonight, one I hadn't seen before. I believe it was a sign that Copper has reached the Rainbow Bridge, where he was joyously received by all of our babies who've made that journey.
He was the luckiest fellow to have been loved so well by so many, especially his wonderful mom and his silly brothers.
Copper's memory will live on as long as he is loved and remembered... and he touched so many lives - his memory will never die. May it bring you some comfort, Jamie, as you reflect on a life well-lived.
Halle & Orville
Somewhere over the rainbow, there's a bush always full of Chicken McNuggets that grows next to a banana tree where the branches hang low enough for bassets to reach.
The Chicken McNuggets are special because Ronald McDonald only authorized one such bush and had it shipped special delivery directly to Rainbow Bridge.
The banana tree is always heavy-laden with ripe bananas and when you pick one the peel magically falls away.
All the beloved creatures at Rainbow Bridge can visit the bush and the tree whenever they like and eat as much as they want. They are always full and in bloom.
But there are two special beds, side-by-side, right under these two plants, that are reserved for two very special souls, Agnes Marie Basset Hound and Copper Bopper Bananahound AKA Joe Friday.
After a warm, wonderful, sunshiney day at Rainbow Bridge (for every there day is perfect) Agnes and Copper meet by their favorite bush and tree and say hello. Sometimes they sleep on those special beds. One day when their brothers and sisters make their way to the Bridge there will be extra beds for them too.
These soft, beautiful beds are extra special because each basset can peek over the side and see their Momma back on Earth. They watch over their Mommas and brothers and sisters and friends from Rainbow Bridge.
One day it will be our turn to go to Rainbow Bridge and then we can see this for ourselves. Until then, they can watch us but we can only see them as a bright star or a pretty leaf or a special rainbow in the sky.
But they are there, watching us.
What a wonderful tribute video, Jamie. I watched it with tears in my eyes but also a little smile on my face because Copper was such a cute goofy boy. I know you will miss him so very much.
Rest peacefully Copper, enjoy the buffet at the bridge, and keep watch over your mom and brothers. You are much loved and will never be forgotten.
Mary & Scully
Jamie my heart goes out to you tonight. You were the best Mom/slave to Copper and did everything possible for him.
Hugs to you, Mr. Wiggins and Max the wonder dog.
RIP Copper, I am sorry that this rotten disease has stripped this world of another lovely fellow. I laughed at things that you did and now my tears are with your Mum in her time of loss. You both fought so bravely and if it were not for that fight and spirit you may have succombed some time ago.
Dear Copper - you warmed our hearts and gave us hope. May you be in a better place now with no pain to hold you back.
Your daily drool friends,
Trina and Buster
There's something missing in my home,
I feel it day and night,
I know it will take time and strength
before things feel quite right.
But just for now, I need to mourn,
My heart -- it needs to mend.
Though some may say, "It's just a pet,"
I know I've lost a friend.
You've brought such laughter to my home,
and richness to my days.
A constant friend through joy or loss
with gentle, loving ways.
Companion, friend, and confidante,
A friend I won't forget.
You'll live forever in my heart,
My sweet, forever pet.
(-- Susanne Taylor)
Oh sweet Copper... I wish it hadn't come to this. You will be sadly missed but at least you had a life full of love. Jamie, I've said it many times but you're an awesome basset mum and Copper was lucky to have had someone like you who gave him 2 years more than anyone ever expected.
Much love and drool to all your pack.
Ellie & Fleur -xxx-
Sweet Stickman You are now running free with no pain and have an endless supply of treats and McNuggets. You will be very missed.
Snooter Kiss'
Christina, Ed, Odie & Millford
What a beautiful tribute.
Copper, I'll always remember you as one of the first bassets I got to "know" when I had a silly baby basset of my own and didn't know what to do with him. I learned so much about bassets by hearing about your adventures, and although you'll be very missed back here, I like to think that you're healthy now and just as happy and goofy as you look in your pictures.
Enjoy your bananas and chicken nuggets, you deserve them for being such a brave basset!
You will forever be in your momma's heart. She loved you so much she went through what had to be the most difficult decision regarding your health and happiness.
May you be free- free to run, free to play and most importantly pain free.
You were so loved and we will miss you so much on Roxies.
Big hugs to you Jamie. Your love for Copper will always shine through even at this dark time.
Run free sweet copper. You were loved and always will be. Your legacy will live on as your story helps and guides others.
To your family, we are so sorry for your loss. Sad Ahrooo's.......
Copper was a very special animal. We are so glad that we had the chance to "meet" him. We will miss him. You are a wonderful basset mom, Jamie. Hugs to Mr. Wiggins and Max.
~MB, Lily Belle, & Penelope Belle
I found your blog looking for lymphoma on basset hounds.
I recently lost Tosh, my 8-year-old male basset to a very aggressive lymphoma. On a weekend, he stopped eating, was breathing heavily and was sleeping the whole day. He was chubby, but i saw that some parts of his body looked swollen. He also enjoyed sleeping a lot, but not all day long.
I noticed that something was really wrong when I gave him a little piece of cake (his favorite treat) and he didn't eat.
I took him to the vet on monday and she was almost sure he had lymphoma. She ordered a bunch of lab tests, and said that his skin was yellowish so he was probably having some liver trouble as well (large amount of billirubin on blood). He was finally diagnosed with lymphoma on Wednesday and started oral medication to cure his liver (and then start chemo) on that same day.
He kept vomiting all pills I had to give him, so his vet told me I should buy the liquid version of them. He was eating nothing.
I started the liquid medication. On friday morning he seemed a little happier, but then he got a lot worse and red spots appeared on his belly. I took him to the vet again. Later she told me that he was doing terrible and started vomiting blood, meaning that his liver and spleen were not working (probably cause lymphoma damaged them). She said she could do nothing more, and started crying because she and her colleagues really liked him. I asked her to put him down, and she did in a peaceful and painless way. It was in May 13th, 2011.
I didn't have the time to start him on chemo. As you can see, he was feeling bad and one week later he had already passed.
Thanks for sharing Copper's story. I still feel very bad for my dog and miss him very much, he was a huge part of my life and I honestly expected that he would live a little more, for about 11 or 12 years.
Thank you for your blog & for sharing your love for Copper, you have helped me & my dog Poppy a lot. Lynne
I don't know if you check these comments, but know that I read your blog crying tonight. Not just for cooper, but for the wonderful bassett hound sitting here on my lap that just got diagnosed with lymphoma. I wanted to give him treatments, but the vet advised against--for one, he is 13. For two, he had cancer a year an a half ago and beat it via colorectal tumor It's back but this time in his pelvic node. Please know as sad as this is for me, your blog has helped me in some way tonight. I read every single post and now see what Copper went though and I know now what decision I have to make. Thank you for leaving this blog up and bless you for loving your animals so much.
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