Saturday, July 28, 2007

Copper's Vet Visit -- July 28th

Copper's Oncologist decided that Copper wouldn't get his chemo today because his white blood count was a little high, and he was stumbling on his hind legs. She thinks he might have a little infection, and wants him to take some antibiotics to clear up anything before he gets his next treatment. So he will go back next Thursday for Chemo.

The good news is he is still in remission, and she said he looks really good.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Copper has been sick

Copper's last chemo drug was Adriamycin, a drug that has made him ill in the past. Well, it made him ill again. It started off with a seizure and then he threw-up. He was under the weather for 3 days. I hate it when he is like this because I can't do anything but make him comfortable.
I think it is over now. Today he acted like his old self all day! Looking for food, and getting into trouble. He did have some head shakes today, but no seizures, so this is good!

While I don't like this drug because of what it does to him, it has really helped him fight the cancer. He won't get it again though because it can have some damaging effects to his heart, so he could only have it a few times. We wouldn't want to beat the cancer only to have heart problems!


Friday, July 13, 2007

Copper's Vet Visit -- July 13, 2007

Today was a great Friday the 13th! Copper had a great visit. He got a massage from a customer care person, and then after his chemo, he got petted, his nails & ears done, and ate a half a box of cookies. I think his vet techs would have loved to have kept him there all day long!

He also got great news! His blood platelet level is higher, and he now starts Chemo every other week instead of every week! So his next vet visit is not until the end of July!

And... HE IS STILL IN REMISSION! Yeah! Go Copper Go!


Sunday, July 08, 2007

Copper's Vet Visit -- July 6th

(Copper taking a nap)

Copper had another good vet visit this week for he is still in remission.

However, his blood platelets are still low and he is slightly anemic. He has been pretty tired the last couple of weeks. I think it is because he is anemic. Even his girlfriends at the hospital noticed that he wasn't himself.
The vets say to keep an eye on him and if I get worried, I am to call them. He has spent most of his weekend sleeping, although he still gets into trouble from time to time. Even tired, he is a little trouble maker!
